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This website has the people and stories that are part of our family history. Most of what is here has been fact checked as far as is practical, but there are also areas of speculation, which are identified accordingly. I welcome comments and observations!

The site is still under development and will certainly be things that are incorrect and missing. Apologies.

The Webb line follows Webb, Desborough, Hull and Jackman families and those who married into them.

The Vaughan Davies line follows (Vaughan) Davies, Anderson, Lockie and Turner families and those who married into them.

The Why Genealogy Feature tells the story of how I got involved.

The Introduction Feature tells you a little more about what is on this website, and about how you might use it.

The other Features describe other general articles about groups of people, rather than the specifics of families or individuals that are described as you search, or look on the two main family trees.


This site last had a significant update January 2025.

Contact Us

email imageIf you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.