Hitchin, Hertfordshire


Tree: Webb


Latitude: 51.947720078893646 , Longitude: 0.2789014582776872


Matches 1 to 7 of 7

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID   Tree 
1 HOLT, Benjamin  Abt 1847Hitchin, Hertfordshire I495 Webb 
2 HOLT, Elizabeth  1839Hitchin, Hertfordshire I499 Webb 
3 HOLT, James  1850Hitchin, Hertfordshire I496 Webb 
4 HOLT, Mary Ann  Abt 1844Hitchin, Hertfordshire I498 Webb 
5 HOLT, Samuel  Abt 1842Hitchin, Hertfordshire I487 Webb 
6 HOLT, Sarah  Abt 1838Hitchin, Hertfordshire I500 Webb 
7 HOLT, William  Abt 1846Hitchin, Hertfordshire I497 Webb 


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Christening    Person ID   Tree 
1 HOLT, Elizabeth  23 Aug 1839Hitchin, Hertfordshire I499 Webb 


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Family    Marriage    Family ID   Tree 
1 HOLT / MADDOCK  4 Nov 1837Hitchin, Hertfordshire F237 Webb