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- Merchant Navy records indicate that he was 5' 6.5", blue or grey eyes, either "medium" or "fair" complexion, brown hair.
He joined the Training Ship "Mersey" in 1911 and then acted as midshipman rising to Acting Lieutenant in WW1, as part of the Royal Naval Reserve. On 4/9/1918 he was promoted from Acting Lieut to Lieutenant.
White Star Officers books records the following information:-
Joined the Mersey on 5/9/1911
In Aug 1914 with the outbreak of WW1, he transferred to the armed merchant cruiser "Cedric"
He completed his indenture in Sept 1915
He was "proficient in Euclid and Algebra". His height was 5' 6"
The Royal Naval Reserve list of 1919 records that he became sub lieutenant on 4/9/1916, when serving on the "Albatross" The most likely match appears to be a torpedo boat (or "C" class) destroyer launched in 1898. Wikipedia states that in 1916 she was at Scapa Flow providing anti submarine defence for the fleet. The only mention I can find relating to Jutland is in supporting HMS Malborough when it was hit - the ship is mentioned for 1st June 1916
After WW1 he became 1stMate Feb 1921, and his address is given as 60, Park Road, Lowestoft. He became a Master Nov 1922.
In the context of his father's funeral in Aug 1923, the Exeter and Plymouth Gazette says he "was away at sea" to explain his non appearance at the funeral.
In WW2, he was a prisoner at Stalag Luft 3, in the rank of Acting Flying Officer.
He was an excellent sportsman, and there are a number of cups from his time at Sherborne Grammar School.
A number of additional facts are provided by Nick Fenton in his website Ken Fenton was the pilot of a Blenheim IV of 139 Squadron, which was shot down on return from a bombing raid and ditched in the North Sea 12.48pm on 1st July 1941. At 15.30, Air Sea Rescue were alerted and boat HSL 108 (captained by WFJ) was launched from Gorleston in Norfolk. (Other sites confirm this was the 24 Air Sea Rescue Unit). HSL 108 was captured in the North Sea by the Germans that evening after a flying boat attack from Ar 196 and the crew were picked up by Hs 59 and taken to a port near Amsterdam. WFJ reports that he was in the following camps:
Amsterdam 2/7/41-7/7/41
Dulagluft 7/7/41-9/7/41
Oflag IX A/H 9/7/41- Sept 41
Oflag VI B Sept 41-Aug 42
Oflag XXI B Aug 42- Mar 43
Stalag Luft III Mar 43- 29/4/45
(Oflag were camps for Officers). Stalag Luft III was the camp in Poland from which the "Great Escape" happened, though as far as I can tell WFJ had not part in any way on this. But he did take part in the great march back into Germany ahead of the advancing Russians.
See also separate document on this.
1939 register address is maybe now either 23a Water Lane or more likely 25 Water Lane.